Terminal's 'Tech Tools
Change log:
- Add Drag Handles to mobile sublist
- Redesign unit display
- Various tweaks to improve mobile ui and experience
- Add additional options for multiple era/faction selections
- Add Drag handles to mobile unit list
- Collapse Formations when rearranging them, to hopefully make it easier on small screens.
- Added ability to select multiple eras and factions
- Added checkbox to remove automatic general list from search results
- Add sorting by damage to search results
- Added some visual effects to make the site feel nicer
- Fixed export functions for Jeff's tools, and added the ability to export specific formations and sublists.
- Rebuilt how data is stored in the backend to prevent some errors that would occasionally crash the page.
- Various tweaks/improvements that should hopefully improve the user experience.
- Rebuilt PDF generation since it was originally put together without formations and ability references in mind. Previous version would cause units to start stacking on top of each other instead of creating a new page if too many units were added. New pdf generation should scale up without issues.
- Fixed dropdown overlay issues
- Fixed formation types not saving when changed
- Added filter for movement type
- Fixed bug where max movement filter didn't work
- Bumped up card sizes on printed list to match standard sleeve size. (previously it generated at the correct size on the pdf, but would scale down on most printers due to margins)
- Reverted vertical printed sublists to 9 slots per page, with lists wrapping to the next slot if too long
- Added Health/Size/Damage summary to printed sublists
- Fix: Deleting a unit from a list now correctly removes it from existing sublists
- Fix: Should now correctly load saved sublists. May break existing sublist but will be consistent going forward.
- Changed printed sublist page from 9 sublists to 6 to prevent longer unit names overlapping
- Reimplemented realtime list validation according to selected rules
- Fixed spacing issues with longer unit names.
- Added unit availability button to see what eras/factions have access to a unit.
- Add Google and Discord as login options
- Create settings page for account management
- Now loads the previous list you had open when reopening the site
- Add filter to allow filtering out unique units from result list
- Allow 'Any' as valid choice for Era and Faction
- Change how results are rendered to improve performance
- Add filter to allow filtering out unique units from result list
- Add Era/Faction filtering
- Change how results are rendered to improve performance
- Added Drag and drop functionality
- Added formations to unit list
- Changed shareable list code format
- Combined generic and 350 list builders into one with a rules selector.
- Added a unit lookup separate from the list builder
- Created tournament dashboard and list validator
- Added authentication to allow for list saving and loading between devices.
- Added export for Jeff's Battletech Tools
- Added sublist management and printing
- Added ability page reference numbers to printed lists.
- Added additional filtering to abilities allowing for searching for multiple abilities, or optional abilities.
- Added basic generic Alpha Strike List builder. Does not have the unit type, rules level, or ability restrictions the 350 list builder does. Also does no list validation.
- Add caching for faction lists. Should reduce the number of times the MUL is hit when searching for same faction in a day and add ability for List Builder to still function when MUL is down.
- Actually filter out unique mechs correctly
- List Builder Fix: Correct issue importing list from code
- Add Off-board Artillery
- Feature: Mobile support! Going to keep working on it, but at least it's usable now.
- Sharing and saving of lists
- List PV not updating on skill change
- Records prior to 3-12-24 unavailable. Assume everything not mentioned above was done before this point.
List Builder
Unit Search / List Builder
List Builder
Unit Search / List Builder
New year, new stuff. Getting back to working on this site in my free time. Did a bunch of backend work to make further work easier and improve site performance. I have some big plans for the site this year, so stay tuned.
List Builder
List Builder
Unit Search / List Builder
Unit Search / List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
Unit Search / List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
Unit Search
List Builder
Kind of stopped keeping this list up to date. These are the major changes implemented over the last month and a half.
List Builder
Unit Search
Tournament Dashboard
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder Fix
List Builder
List Builder
List Builder Fix
Notice from Comstar
Road Map:
Priority updates: Things I really want to get done
- Era and faction filtering in unit search (added 6-30-24)
- Customizable rules in the list builder
- Reimplement list builder validation (7-13-24)
- multiple era and faction selections (2-22-25)
- Improved list sharing capabilities
- Expanded sublist generation options
General updates: Idea's I'd like to implement when I have time
- Finish tournament organization
- Layout customization
- Favorite and save units/formation for quick adding
- Alternate Ammo/Pilot SPA's
- Battlefield Support Cards
- Formation validation
Low priority updates: Someday, possibly
- Public player list sharing
- Play feature (might not be worth the effort when other tools already exist)